access_time 2023-10-06T11:57:22.994Z face Val Toledo
MEMBERSHIP RESET Elevate Your Vibration, Embrace Growth, and Sustain Transformation Within the process of attending the one to one coaching or a workshop, tremendous growth and transformation will be experienced. On completion the measurement of vibration will move from a beginning of 20, 30, or 50,...


access_time 2023-10-06T11:26:55.621Z face Val Toledo
Testimonials and Transformations Elevating Lives One Story at a Time RESULTS — Gail U. says: December 9, 2011 at 9:55 am (UTC 2)“ Val you never cease to amaze me! This book is truly inspiring, i enjoyed every moment of reading it, especially because it is presented in such a user-friendly manner, ma...

How do you focus on raising your consciousness and vibration?

access_time 2023-10-06T11:05:51.793Z face Val Toledo
THOUGHTS How do you focus on raising your consciousness and vibration? PRACTICAL TECHNIQUES FOR HEIGHTENING AWARENESS AND VIBRATIONAL FREQUENCY The process of life is the constant motion of interchanging energy all the time, within ourselves and with others. You can, all the time in each second of e...

Your Chip. How does this effect your ability to operate in higher consciousness?

access_time 2023-10-06T11:05:13.227Z face Val Toledo
THE UPWARD SPIRAL Your Chip. How does this effect your ability to operate in higher consciousness? Unlocking Your Potential: Understanding Your Chip for Elevated Consciousness Your Chip The set of wiring that dictates your life for you is what I call your ‘chip’. It is your core programming. This ‘c...

How do we know if we’re operating from a higher consciousness

access_time 2023-10-06T11:03:27.321Z face Val Toledo
THE UPWARD SPIRAL How do we know if we’re operating from a higher consciousness ELEVATE YOUR CONSCIOUSNESS: THE SIX STEPS TO AWAKENED LIVING The Journey to Higher Consciousness: SIX STEPS OF TRANSFORMATION My greatest challenge in the field I have chosen to work in, as a soul alignment coach is in h...