Your Chip. How does this effect your ability 

to operate in higher consciousness?

Unlocking Your Potential: Understanding Your Chip for Elevated Consciousness

Your Chip

The set of wiring that dictates your life for you is what I call your ‘chip’. It is your core programming. This ‘chip’ is the specific life programme that you have established for yourself subconsciously. It is deeper than childhood wounds, it's a source, the seed from where all mistaken beliefs and subconscious fears derive and drives you unconsciously in all of your actions in life.

It is the input from your experiences, thoughts and feelings that you have programmed into your computer for life. The ‘chip’ is coded in your DNA and deeply entrenched in your physical body – it’s like cellular memories. It is made up from all your childhood experiences from conception to eighteen. In some of my clients cases it is deeply embedded in their DNA and ancestry. The lineage and the trauma experienced by past family even dictates what this programme is going to be.

Do not run away here and avoid looking at your chip! Most people have an instant reaction when trying to find their ‘chip’ and that is to run away, the feelings of fear and insecurity come in now, but this is simply because you are getting out of your comfort zone.

The skin that you have been wearing for so long now is being peeled away little by little, and so you begin to cry at the loss of your protective layer. However, this is just an illusion, as the layer that you shed tears for does not serve you anymore and the pain you feel is simply that of moving into a new place that is different from what you know and is completely new.

Strangely enough in my practise, I do help clients to see the benefits of this old programme and show how it served to help them survive, often in very threatening situations. Many of your current strengths have been born from this programme. The strengths remain, however letting go of the ‘chip’ is essential to moving forward into higher conscious thinking as well as accessing spiritual self and purpose.

Most clients that come to me have been in therapy for many years, have done many healing modalities and yet still feel they haven’t shifted. Im often told , “ Do I need to tell you the same story I’ve been talking about for years and yet have felt no change ?” Sadly I have found that unless you delve deeply into the source of the programme that runs your life, it is very difficult to truly shift.

The good news is that its possible to do in a short space of time and with simple spiritual rituals and practises quite easily shift and embrace the highest version of yourself where you will consciously flow in and out of life challenges.