Challenges For Us ALL on a Daily Basis

  • Keeping aligned with our principles.
  • Maintaining a balance between work, purpose and play.
  • Fulfilling different roles, mother, wife, career…
  • Holding a resonance of love and gratitude rather than fear and guilt.
  • Being mindful of the present , learning from the past and dreaming about the future.
  • Having the ability to take moments of ‘nothingness’ and ‘stillness’, to catch our breath and see the the higher guidance in the gaps between the breaths.
  • Keeping a balance between spiritual and physical self to keep the alignment flowing.
  • Connect with the flame within, love and nurture ones self and recognise your true value.
  • Hold certainty in the magic and soul connection even in the most challenging times.
  • When you are triggered, find the ability to connect with your inner resources, feel it and maintain alignment……… and so much more to discover on your adventure within The Upward Spiral keep, an open mind, don’t draw conclusions, allow intuition to be your guidance.

(+27) 82-413 5789