Words for You
Take Your Time
My life journey has been one of self-empowerment and empowering others. Whether writing, coaching, mentoring leaders, motivating employees, or working in schools, I have been committed to helping others unlock their full potential.
In the corporate field, I developed and managed several impactful programs, including an Adult School Education Program, an Affirmative Action Career Path Program, and an Employee Work Productivity Training Program. I also created and implemented a culture change process focused on building self-worth and productivity. This initiative combined branding with a leadership style that emphasized co-creation, fostering growth and collaboration rather than a culture of criticism or breakdown.
In the field of transformation and personal growth, I have authored two books: The Upward Spiral and The Upward Spiral in Action. These works chronicle my personal journey of self-discovery while guiding readers through a dynamic process to uncover their greatest potential. Over the years, I have provided one-on-one coaching based on this process and have expanded it into group workshops to reach more people.
Within the education field, I developed an English Bridging Program for immigrant refugees and established an Education Trust for disadvantaged children. One of my most fulfilling projects has been creating the community education program ABC for Life. Through this initiative, I researched and developed materials to help children who were years behind in school bridge the gap and return to their appropriate grade levels. You can learn more about our bridging school atabcforlife.org.
This program has been highly successful, and we are now working to bring our materials and teacher training to other disadvantaged schools, further expanding its positive impact.