Testimonials and Transformations

Elevating Lives

One Story at a Time


— Gail U. says: December 9, 2011 at 9:55 am (UTC 2)“ Val you never cease to amaze me! This book is truly inspiring, i enjoyed every moment of reading it, especially because it is presented in such a user-friendly manner, making it that much easier to apply to my own life! The Upward Spiral has really shown me how to transform my life and opened up spaces within me that i could never have done without the guidance of your book! Thank you, Val!”

— Cheryl says: January 17, 2011 at 4:20 pm (UTC 2)“I read the whole book in two days, I feel the idea of the main theme being the “chip” actually highlights the very areas we need to address in a different way to other self help books. The practical ten-step process helps you to recognise this dominant theme and how to rewire it and move yourself up the spiral to achieve true transfromation and empowernment.”

— Vanessa K. says: July 23, 2013 at 5:12 pm (UTC 2) “The Upward spiral has changed my life. Val is one of the most remarkable women that I have had the privilege of working with. She is definitely a channel for great work. We had many sessions together working with her manual and her insights and wisdom helped me to shift in so many ways. Not only was she there for me through the process of working with the manual, her follow up continues to this day with loving and caring compassion. Thank you Val for this great contribution to our lives.”

— Simon says: January 17, 2011 at 8:39 pm (UTC 2)“I picked the book up and couldnt stop reading it, it inspired and motivated me and I found that practising the ten steps were easy and practical. I shared the book with friends who have all bought their own copies and they too feel it has really helped them. It’s a pity that the 702 presenter limited the impact of such an inspiring book, by presenting it as “just another book” I hope that those listening could see through the discussion to what the book really has to offer.”

— MG Neke says: January 18, 2011 at 10:00 am (UTC 2)“Val’s book is a pleasure to read.The Upward Spiral has very easy basic and achievable steps on how to change your life for the better and tap into the very best you can become.
Val has used her own experiences to show that if you accept a certain role in your life, which has been created by your early experiences, it takes a real effort to shift out of that mode and re create yourself as someone that is free of any pre conceived notions. There are also case histories where various people have used this method to enlarge and enrich their lives, I would not hesitate to recommend this book to anyone that is looking for a real change for the better within themselves.”

— Sandra says: January 17, 2011 at 6:06 pm (UTC 2)“I have just finished reading your book and I feel truly inspired! I cannot thank you enough for writing this amazing guide to finding your true self which is exactly what I have been needing following certain events in my life. This is a turning point for me and my way of thinking has been dramatically changed for the better! Don’t listen to the critics – they cannot judge until they have read it as I have done. Thank you for this.”

— Joanne says: October 13, 2015 at 8:44 pm (UTC 2) “Val this way of thinking is the way the world needs to embrace in order to really advance. I’m looking forward to this growth journey with you!”

— Janey says: May 20, 2014 at 9:38 pm (UTC 2) “Val, The Upward Spiral has come to me at the perfect moment! I have just finished my second reading of it in 3 days since meeting you, synchronistically, and I am already feeling powerful shifts in my life. Thank you for this beautiful gift. Love, A more peaceful me.”

— Rose says: April 23, 2017 at 8:54 am (UTC 2) “A hidden talent! Val has recently revealed a new hidden talent, which may be her most powerful to date! Working in silence with the physical body, and following her intuition, she is really skilled and gifted at identifying and releasing tensions and areas of holding and ‘stuckness’. Val’s work has evolved and matured and we can only benefit from that. Always sincere, always honest and kind – you will be safe in her hands! Thanks Val!”

— Adiela says: June 1, 2018 at 1:42 pm (UTC 2) “Upward Spiral, “I AM ALL THAT I AM” …..Most inspiring book I have ever been gifted with. Thank You Val”— Anthony S says:03 June 2019 at 07:31:22 (SAST)“Having been a student-seeker of human dynamics for 40 years, I had reached the end of my rope after a 8-year spell of what can only be described rotten luck in my career and presence in my world. Val instantly started cutting through the psychic static and, by the third session with her, I was already able to show friends and family members the emergence of "little miracles" guiding me back towards self-possession and improving fortunes. I call her Angel Val and thank god for finding her!”

— Diane S says: 03 June 2019 at 10:37:01 SAST “Val, anything for you. I love and adore you from the bottom of my hear. Before I read the Upward spiral book I as in such despair, pain and turmoil. My life was not giving me what I wanted in terms of relationship and living location. After working with Val and reading her books I have started making all my dreams come true. From a mental state of my being to a material world of abundance. questions... 1.Before I started coaching I was very aggressive, short and hot tempered . I was always using force to be heard and always yelling for what I wanted. Now after working with Val and the work sheets in the book I learned how to take back my power and speak soft, clear but strong and focused.I get a much better response from the world when I use Val's teachings. 2. Since I have been living in my new chip after all the Steps that Val walked me through I have become a really connected, centered person. I have a better relationship with my children. No more flying off the handles with them . I am a better version of me . It was a huge journey for me and I will never go back to the old chip, old ways old me.”

— Jane B says: 31 May 2019 at 12:35:08 (SAST)“The Upward Spiral marked the beginning of my adult personal development journey. When I started the work and coaching with Val I had many blind spots and habits hampering my growth and full expression. Over several months I worked to identify my old chip and programming, and started to move into more positive new chip thinking and behaviour. At the end of the coaching I had made a big shift into my "truth", and also had a real view of the work I needed to continue to do. This is not a linear journey, and in fact my path has taken many twists and turns over the last six years - but it has been so worthwhile. I am not at my final destination yet either - but I have learned to follow the signs along the way, lighting up my path. I am grateful for the teachings of The Upward Spiral, which started me beautifully along my way.”

— Samantha B says: 03 June 2019 at 13:20:58 (SAST) The meeting of Val was by no coincidence in the timing and journey of my life road map. I was processing life as a teacher, single mother and greeting each day on a survival level. I thought I was happy and alright, more or less, with the sort of stuff that people manage. Kids, job, life. I also knew some of my patterns in relationships and I knew parts of myself that were sad and hidden. So, having read a few books and being of some sort of relative intelligence, I thought had a good life with some TOUGH parts. I prayed, danced randomly, believed, rose and fell (and fell often), questioned things, but always seemed to land somehow. Val enlightened me in a short space of time. Empowered me to see my self-worth and what my life could be like if I was committed to a) make changes and b) fine tune, what I was doing with my life, and indirectly, my daughters’ life. It was an awakening of the mind, senses and soul to read Val’s words, to listen to her and draw from her sense of connectedness with my higher-self. Val taught me to see a sign, believe in miracles, to let go of what was lived, to find my peace and also, how to navigate my souls’ purpose with the tools her book provided. I am now living and breathing every word of Val’s in my day to day life. I am no longer surviving but beginning to burn brightly. Life is changing from tough into beauty, some parts instantly after transformation, others more gradual as an investment. I make better choices and trust myself with an open heart to possibilities that life may bring me as I function on a higher level. I am acutely conscious and set boundaries, navigate situations by responding and not reacting. My path is completely different. I now have tools to use my senses and the environment wisely. These are not idle doting words on my part. Val’s words carry power, not just healing and direction but a kind of rooted medicine that every adult needs regardless of who you are or what level you are at. Val is a gift. Do take the time to honour her work and in so doing so, you honour your own life. You too can rise!

— Nancy R says: 02 June 2019 at 10:16:19 (SAST)“When I started coaching: I walked into VAL's studio depressed, sad, exhausted - no energy with my head low. Life was just pretty hard. After coaching, my life very quickly did a 360 degree turn.. Everything started falling into place. Finances, energy levels, realized how wrong my current relationship was for me. For the first time in my life did I realize I AM WORTHY and I DO DESERVE more than the half a life I have been living for so very long. My vibrations quickly spiraled up and up and amazing things started to happen.. Val cleared my chakras and a new world opened to me. People suddenly were attracted to me and wanted to get to know me - all levels. I had to get a lift to my first appointment with Val as my car was broken down - by my 3rd appointment a friend bought me the most amazing car. The Main area of transformation My LIFE has changed in every area in such a short space of time. The world suddenly is brighter, life is easy, happy and I have this calm peaceful feeling. I feel like I won the lottery! Thank You Val.

— Rose says: January 9, 2011 at 1:20 pm (UTC 2)“Val has given her all to this book. Sincere, candid, determined and concise – this book will help a lot of people. Well done Val!”

— Emanuel says: January 16, 2011 at 12:55 am (UTC 2)“This is an honest rendition of one’s life and why certain choices were made, in hindsight, mostly on autopilot even from a young age.I found the book enlightening and got to understand why I have made some of the decisions in my life. A greater understanding of where you have been will guide you to better decisions in the future. I found this book easy to read and it gave me practical advice that has helped me take the steps forward that I want to, or at least help me understand why I have taken, or want to take, a particular path.It has and will continue to help me navigate this complex life of ours where hundreds of decisions have to be made every week.”

— Philjac says: January 16, 2011 at 4:28 pm (UTC 2)“I am inspired by Val in her book ‘The Upward Spiral’ for the following reasons:Her honesty in her initiative as a leader to assist others by disclosing her personal life and her insight and wisdom into what makes us tick as human beings.. Pg 25 ‘The 1st step of the Upward Spiral… is to make choice to do so
This commitment extends to the company that I keep and the kind of culture in which I surround myself’ Pg 62 ‘Her choices were determined by her chip’… its in the DNA So that is what our life in this world is about…. making the choice.
the choice between the inclination for good or the inclination for evil which exists in us all….. its the recognition of that choice and the willingness to make the change. Thanks Val for validating my beliefs and prompting me to look inside myself and make the change. I read your interesting book in just a flash.”

— Viviana says: January 17, 2011 at 3:30 pm (UTC 2)“This book is quite honestly one of the few that I’ve picked up and has grabbed my attention long enough to read in a single sitting.Not only because the subject matter is one that intersets me to no end, but also, I found common ground with it as many of the concepts, theories and beliefs discussed therin I had already either heard of, read about and or experienced myself. I think for the subject matter of this book being so profound , it was well put together in the sense that in its simplicity, it was easy to grasp , especially if one looks at it through the eyes of someone who has never heard of and or experinced the concepts such as those discussed in your book .With that said, however ( and I know how contadictory this may sound) , is that no matter how much we simplify these therories in order to make them more accessible, they are still topics that remain ever so complex when looking at them in a whole. I see you have made use of examples, and that even though the reader is provided with some here and there based on the theories ,various steps and the experiences of others, I feel that I would have still liked to have been provided with more, so that the concepts are easier to grasp . I understand the need for the workbook to the upward spiral now, and I’m sure that when/if I have the opportunity to attempt it,it would probably help me fill in the gaps.I truly admire the work you are doing and thank you for this lovely read, perhaps I could be lucky enough one day that in applying your work, it could help me find even my chip.'

— Lawrence McLeod says: January 19, 2011 at 6:31 pm (UTC 2)“Valeria in harmonisation with the meaning of your name, “strong, healthy, or capable and also meaning love” you never fail to impress, your tenacity and enthusiasm with which you confront life is to be commended.I have witnessed you through life’s experience of contagions, turmoil and strife; albeit physical or metaphysical relentless in your pursuit of seeking cause, remedy and antidotes, always willing to share and expound that what you have found and believe to be meaningful in a sincere endeavour to assist others. As you once so charmingly put it “Getting on your soap box …”
Your strong-minded determination has once again produced results in the culmination of your first book, “The Upward Spiral”Throughout your book, the journey of emotion uncovering and revealing delightful gems of direction within your 10 point plan, will surely prove helpful to anyone navigating life’s treacherous course.”

— Louise says: January 22, 2011 at 10:52 am (UTC 2)“At the end of the day we have a choice, once we identify our own personal chip it helps to clarify any one of life’s situations. things dont have to take so long any more and change is on the up. THE UPWARD SPIRAL offers the 10 steps which are simple tools that have helped me , Vals book tells her story and that it can happen to anyone of us we are all special souls. Thank you Val you are a strong influence in my life and a good friend.”

— Joe Dorrington says: January 26, 2011 at 8:23 pm (UTC 2)“Val’s book has helped me so much, that subconsciously I find myself refering to it on a daily basis. I’m constantly reminding myself to be aware of my chip. Thanks Val.

— Toni Shina says: January 26, 2011 at 8:23 pm (UTC 2)“I had the privledge of Val guide me through the steps in my business for a few years, and raise the vibration of the entire business, from the gardener to the managers. I loved reading this book! Well done Val and thank you so much!”

— Debra says: January 27, 2011 at 5:44 pm (UTC 2)“After having spent many years in therapy with a well known psychologist, this amazing book provided me with the missing link I had been seeking!Therapy gave me the intellectual understanding of why I made the life choices I had, but it did not provide me with the necessary, specific tools needed to change the repeated negative patterns of my life journey. “The Upward Spiral” has taught me how to change my energy vibration using detailed daily practices in order to manifest the life I had always dreamed of living. Through this little jewel of a book,Val (author and angel!) is helping to create Heaven on Earth – one beautiful step at a time…..”

— Patrick says: January 28, 2011 at 4:35 pm (UTC 2)“Anyone who is interested in being motivated or is in a difficult space should read this book. Val provides an insight through her experiences, research and self-realisation on how we can change our lives and keep the momentum going using a ten step process. This is not an “academic” book which will boggle your brain and confuse you but one that is easy to read with a story that many people can relate to. Definitely going into my arsenal of motivational and inspirational reading material!

— Lavita Lebenon says: January 31, 2011 at 1:26 pm (UTC 2)“I gave up on ‘self help books’ a while back when nothing felt relevant to day to day life. Val’s 10 steps in The Upward spiral are not easy steps as there is no quick fix to a sustained happy life. That is why The Upward spiral has been a breath of fresh air on my own personal life. I will be reading the book again if not several times until i find my true essence.Thank you Val and congratulations on your huge achievement. You have a way of writing that immediately made me feel at ease. Your book will be my way of helping anyone dear to me who has not found their happiness.

— Warwick Levey says: February 1, 2011 at 2:55 pm (UTC 2)“A fantastic book, launched at the right time. The energies for this year are ones of re-birth and self fullfilment. Any one struggling with their normal cycles would do well to read this book.Great for people who are starting on a spiritual journy, as well as those who have been traveling the spiritual path for a long time.Simply written with insight deeper than first glance allows.Well done Val, a great book all round, and one I will tell just about everyone to buy and read! Thank you for putting yourself out there.”

— Nikki Magua says: February 3, 2011 at 10:04 am (UTC 2)“Val, what an honest account of your life story and in writing all of that,helping people to uplift and better their own lives. You are truly amazing,brave and totally unselfish. Your book is beautifully written ,practical and a brilliant read!I feel very proud of you,my friend”

— Simon says: March 5, 2011 at 10:15 am (UTC 2)“Hope you are all well. I wanted to call you after reading the Upward Spiral but noticed the time now and so am emailing instead.I have had a difficult time since we last met / spoke with one things and another, but recently set aside a day to read your book from cover to cover without distractions. I told everyone I would be unavailable for the day, turned off the phone and tucked myself into a corner looking out to sea.I had dipped into your book most days since Christmas but decided to read it properly last week. I was struck by the basic concepts that you have taught and internalised every word. Some parts I found difficult to absorb but the spirit of each stage in the Spiral hit a resounding chord. I read your book in one day and was buzzing afterwards. I excitedly contacted close friends to share my learnings.I was intrigued by the concept of your book since we first discussed your latest project and was pleased to have enjoyed the reading experience. The night after reading your book cover to cover, when falling asleep I kept seeing a picture of my face disappearing upwards into a night sky full of stars and colour. I was galvanised into action the following morning and felt full of energy. I copied the steps long-hand and stuck them on the fridge door.I have found that from the lessons you have taught me, that I evaluate myself when I have impulse. The happier I feel in my myself, the more confidence and positive vibrations I give. I believe as a result of which a great deal has happened to me which I never thought possible. I now attend regular classes, am considering learning Xhosa and Afrikaans, went Kyacking the other day in the bay – with dolphins and sunfish no less, and making time for myself to explore South Africa with a good book in hand.Thank you Val for your gift of a lifetime. I have given a copy to my mother and recommended the Upward Spiral to many friends.Thanks again – big hug!Simon.”

— Yvette says: March 10, 2011 at 7:54 pm (UTC 2)“I was given Val’s book by a friend. I had heard of Val and was vaguely aware that she worked with people, who were willing, on their chip. That she was spiritual and passionate about her interests.I read the book in an evening. It is an easy read, meaning, big print, good outlay well spaced easy on the eye. Easy to read……..but so profound. VAL HAS THE RARE ABILITY to take what she has learnt, apply it to life make it her own,then translate this knowledge into a workable format for other to use successfully. I was impressed and decided to make an appointment to see her. I was a little skeptical. How could someone help me at my age…? how could she see into my life, my needs? How could these points work for me? Wasn’t I a right off? Val achieved in one, two hour session what three years of counciling help, and many self help course could not…. didn’t. She can cut through the info and help you find the chip and your program. She expect you to be an active participant, doing homework and self enquiry. I’m excited. She has given me the hope that I actually can change and teach my brain to act more appropriately in accordance with who I truly am, Pure awareness and love”

— Dalida says: May 24, 2011 at 9:07 pm (UTC 2)“It has taken me a while to write on your comment wall.I could hear your voice in each and every sentence as I read your book Val. It is warm and genuine just like you
Well done for going for it it can only be of help to me and the other people that are priveledged enough to know to read you true words.
Sending lots of love to you xxxxxxxx
It was the kind of book that I could not wait to finish just so that I could read it again to pick up the parts that I missed
WELL DONE lovely Caring Lady that you are xx”

— Debbie Ausker says: September 9, 2011 at 9:07 am (UTC 2)“For the first time, I have read a book with wisdom and guidance that has transformed my thinking. The ten tools of transformation have guided me through a process to identify my “chip” and having become aware of this has allowed me to make the changes I need for me. I refer almost daily to the practical guides to keep it fresh and dynamic. Thank you Val, for your unconditional friendship, love and support, you changed my life!!”

— Stuart Hendler says: September 16, 2011 at 4:17 pm (UTC 2)“Your coaching and book has assisted me in making the necessary changes in my life that were so long overdue. Thanks for everything!

— Valentine Back says:January 9, 2011 at 1:20 pm (UTC 2)“Hello there, just became alert to your blog through Google, and found that it is truly informative. I am going to watch out for brussels. I’ll appreciate if you continue this in future. Many people will be benefited from your writing. Cheers”

— Cilla Colett says:October 29, 2011 at 7:26 pm (UTC 2)“On arrival, to come home, after 7 years of devastating experiences, on ones soul, living in Belfast and London, without family or friends, through only the shear experience of knowing that you are “doing your best” for your family and yourself (financially – not at all the expense on ones soul or life)…..hmmmm…now I know very differently. When I arrived back home Seth, my wonderful son gave me your book, told me to rest and read…which I did……my word, I read your book 4 times to digest and digest more, of what life should all be about, how we should shift, the chip, change it……….it took me a while, obviously my past 7 years experiences placed me into different perspectives……..AND I DID…thankyou Val, my whole life has changed, I have been in touch with ME….How did I go through this experience……because I did not know otherwise, that we can change, we can choose, that chip!! Yes its all so simple…thankyou Val. Yes…I have had to give up a lot but the Universe will provide, through my courage, beliefs and strenghs that I have gained at changing my “chip belief”……it has already, given me all the wonderful gifts that I desire, being back here with my family is the most enormous gift the Universe has desired….but one always needs the help and thankyou Val, for your inspirational book, everyone should have one, on hand…to take us all onto the “next level” that was designed for us….which your amazing awesome book clearly defines and has helped me enormously in every capacity and given me the wisdom and strength to do just that, again THANKS VAL… Lots of Love to you and your family, Cilla x”

— Karen Venter says: November 3, 2011 at 4:43 pm (UTC 2)“Anyone who is ready for transformation needs to read The Upward Spiral. I am so excited after reading it and realising to my great surprise what my chip is – I feel elated, liberated and as though I am on a high with a rush of endorphins. Yours is truly the most transformational book I have ever read. Val I am so grateful to you and can’t wait to release the spectacular me that has been hiding beneath the deep chip of my entire life. Thank you!!! So glad you decided to change your chip and shine through sharing your journey with others xx

— Angelique Sayed says: November 17, 2011 at 10:19 am (UTC 2)“This book is wonderful and I am struggling to put it down!! Thank you Val! This is just what I need! Looking forward to the workbook!”

— Amanda says: December 1, 2011 at 11:27 am (UTC 2)“Val, it has taken me months to make my comments and after reading your book and working with you I have often thought about what I would like to say. Words like – you saved me, changed my life , come to mind and I will explain. Having been through various therapies and read a number of psychology and self help books, I finally read yours which just spoke to me and pulled me, in knowing that I had to do work with you. I learned so much in our sessions that I can truly say it changed my life. I was on the verge of making bad decisions and although you did not tell me what to do, you guided me to see reason and my own errors.
Thank you for your wisdom, your kindness your love and insights!!
see you soon

— Steven Clegg says: December 2, 2011 at 9:45 am (UTC 2)“I am amazed at how much I have learnt from reading Val’s book. Unlike so many personal enrichment and spiritual growth books – it is so practical and concrete. It does flood you with wonderful ideas and then leave you with no way forward. The Ten Steps at the end really encourage me to integrate Val’s thesis of personal change and growth into my own life. I am really looking forward to getting my hands on the sequel! To end off here – I really admire you and your writing, Val – your work is a real gift to others!!”

— Debbie Dagnin says: December 6, 2011 at 2:23 pm (UTC 2)“Amazing but I would not expect less from you Val as you are a true to form person and a good coach in life ! We have learned so much from you and the staff still comments after the years about Val and her values and her positive outlook on life… you are a fantastic person , coach and teacher and what a great book…”

— Kirsten says: December 7, 2011 at 8:52 pm (UTC 2)“Thank you for being so courageous and sharing your life story with the world. I know you have helped many people with your insight and honesty. I have grown so much in the last year since I picked up your addictive book and look forward to learning more and am very excited to keep working on myself with help of your workbook, the upward spiral in action. I wish you the very best for the future and that your words reach and benefit many, many more people.”

— Lola says: December 8, 2011 at 11:39 am (UTC 2)“I think her book was inspiratonal and helpful and I can’t wait to read the real action part in her sequel. I have bought five copies and given them all away.”

— Kiara Shaked says:December 9, 2011 at 9:29 am (UTC 2)“After reading The Upward Spiral, it certainly leaves one thinking about their own life and the meaning behind it! This book has shown me that we all carry so much unnecessary baggage with us and the beauty of it is that the book shows you, step by step, how to relieve yourself of it! I love how it opens up places within you, that you are normally to scared to confront and it does this by guiding you through the process of realizing the things that are holding you back in life, the ‘chip’! It has helped me through much confusion and has caused me to become more aware of my thought processes, habits and decisions and to look at life in a more positive light! Thank you for this book Val, its like my own little ‘guide to life’! I absolutely cant wait for the sequel!’

— Gail Urdang says: December 9, 2011 at 9:55 am (UTC 2)“Val you never cease to amaze me! This book is truly inspiring, i enjoyed every moment of reading it, especially because it is presented in such a user friendly manner, making it that much easier to apply to my own life! The Upward Spiral has really shown me how to transform my life and opened up spaces within me that i could never have done without the guidance of your book! Thank you Val!”

— Susan says: December 19, 2011 at 1:45 pm (UTC 2)“Dearest Val, your book, “the Upward Spiral” is A wonderfully inspiring and insightful guide to recognise and deal with one’s self. Written from the heart. You will never cease to amaze me with your exceptional achievements. You are the most amazing and inspiring friend any woman (or man) could ever hope to have. Up, Up and away. There are no limits and no boundries to what one can accomplish in life, if they really want it enough, you have illustrated that.”

— Sigal Chiles says: December 19, 2011 at 2:03 pm (UTC 2)“I was really amazed by the concept of a “Chip” and the ability to reprogramme ourselves. once I became aware of certain pattern in my life, pattern that constantly repeated itself, it then became (I won’t say easy) more possible to try and change things. Thank you Val, your book is like finding another missing piece of the puzzle of my life.”

— Melissa Krige says: December 20, 2011 at 2:39 pm (UTC 2)“Dear Val, you are doing wonderful work: may the Upward Spiral grow from strength to strength – may it empower many to shine their true, beautiful light!”

— Katelyn Convery says: December 20, 2011 at 8:51 pm (UTC 2)“Thank you Val for your honesty and motivation. Your book reinforced so much that I’ve heard and sometimes struggled with applying. It is refreshing and motivating to know that you have dedicated yourself to the upward spiral and I feel lighter and more aware since reading it. Thank you! Very glad and blessed to be working with someone like you The universe works!!

— Romy says: December 27, 2011 at 11:11 am (UTC 2)“Thank you, Val, for your brilliant book filled with wisdom, insight and enlightment, a book only you could have written in such a way which made it so easy to grasp and understand, as well as to apply to one’s own life. After I read your book, I just sat down for a moment, feeling like I had to sit still because suddenly the world felt different. With your insights and help, I began to look at the world in a different, and better, light. Your book has helped me and I always recommend it to friends I see in need of it.”

— Darice says:J anuary 11, 2012 at 12:04 pm (UTC 2)“Thank you for the Upward Spiral and for allowing your beautiful inner self to be exposed to allow for other people to learn. May you go from strength to strength. Love and light D”

— Helen Preston says: January 14, 2012 at 4:20 pm (UTC 2)“My darling friend, you are one in a billion and I am the lucky fish to have you in my life playing an amazingly special role as a dear and precious friend and mentor. I have witnessed some of your profound struggles in life which left you wounded,damaged and desperate. Yet through sheer tenacity and desire for a fulfilled, happy life you overcame so many obstacles! This incredible search lead to the writing of your book where you exposed your soul to assist your readers to find and change their coding in order to bring about harmony and peace in their own lives.This book is a gem as it is Val’s story, honestly and genuinely related.Well done, what an inspiration you are to the human race!”

— Epson says: January 19, 2012 at 12:48 am (UTC 2)“I appreciate your work , thank you for all the informative articles .”

— Cat Kadish says: January 20, 2012 at 5:22 am (UTC 2)“Val, as I have come to know you over the last year, sharing bits of your life, your son and your beautiful home, your efforts to share the upward spiral of your personal story does justice to the radiant being that you are!The cover is so amazing, it completely captures the concept of self development, growth from a single point into the diverse paths of our development, sometimes spiraling up, sometimes down, but either way growing in complexity, expanding into the fullest version of SELF, like a beautiful tree of life.”

— Christine says: February 6, 2012 at 2:44 pm (UTC 2)“Oh Val, HAD SUCH A NICE CHAT WITH YOU TODAY WITH THE ADDED FABULOUS NEWS….!!!!!!!!!, SO HERE IS THE LAST COMMENT,: I sent you my comment a week after I read the book which was a week after the launch which was the week you went back to Cape Town, now weeks and weeks later you are weakly asking for comment on The Upward Spiral! Since I remember( did you send a book to Jen and Di ?)that I read your book the week after, weeks and weeks ago I remember thinking that you are: brave, openly bared your innermost thought and your process of healing, many people will follow your chip route, others will tweak it so they add their dip to your chip, I think you have opened a path, an exploration enabling many people to focus on healing themselves AND START ENJOYING THE CRUNCH OF LIFE !!!! LOTS OF LOVE

— Patti Augoustides says: February 23, 2012 at 1:26 am (UTC 2)“This all encouraging, all inspiring book of yours Val is of great value to anyone wanting to take on the beautiful journey of self improvement and self discovery.The upward spiral gives one the strength and guidance one needs to take on your very personal journey.Thankyou Val for sharing your very own personal journey with all us readers.One of the chapters in this beautiful book is to stay Focussed” It takes enormous courage , endurance and a firm choice to keep spiralling upward., a job worth striving for!!day by day. I found reading this book a second time even more helpful. Thankyou so much Val. Lotsa love Patti”

— Toni says: June 26, 2012 at 3:05 pm (UTC 2)“Hi ValThanks again for sharing your experience with us. We are looking forward to receiving the next phase of your book with the different steps to raise our vibrations. Best wishes T+E”

— Nicole Okun says: June 27, 2012 at 1:29 pm (UTC 2)“This is the appropriate blog for anybody who desires to search out out about this topic. You notice a lot its nearly arduous to argue with you (not that I truly would need…HaHa). You definitely put a brand new spin on a subject thats been written about for years. Nice stuff, just nice!”

— Sharron says: February 19, 2013 at 10:58 am (UTC 2)“I read this book during the holidays. I had started reading it earlier , but had put it aside knowing that I would have to follow the reading with action.So much of your story was so similar to mine Val, even to the point of dating musicians. (I had to laugh when I read this.) Think I have dated 4 in my life. A definite way to make sure I couldn’t shine.I am experiencing a fair amount of loss at the moment which is a scary place to be, but need to start replacing it with positive reinforcements. Work, my recently ex relationship and rapidly approaching 40. No time to lose.Thank you for touching my life Val.”

— Jenny says: December 6, 2013 at 1:59 pm (UTC 2)“Dear Val! Your book is life changing! I cant wait to get going. Love Jen

— Gabrielle Lubowski says: February 24, 2014 at 10:27 am (UTC 2)“Dear Val -it was divine intervention that I met you and you told me about your book. When I purchased it on Saturday morning I started reading immediately and did not put it down again. I am in the business of transforming the ways children are raised and educated and creating a harmonious educational environment for the child. In my workshops parents and teachers always write down their story………and now I have the missing puzzle piece “the chip”. Because of the transformation work I have been doing I could immediately identify my “chip” and have already written down the opposite and voila, I am on my way “up the spiral. Thank you for writing this book! A big hug and love, Gabrielle”

— Nicolas and Jasmine Lovelstzy says: March 31, 2014 at 1:30 pm (UTC 2)“Finished the book cover to cover in 3 days. Easy to understand and lots of fun in each chapter. It really put things into perspective to understand why we think certain things and how our reactions are either for our benefit or not. Looking forward to reading the sequel. Thanks Val!
-The Twins”

— Johan Peyper says: May 14, 2014 at 9:08 am (UTC 2)“Thank you Val for the amazing insight and sharing your life experience so that others can regain their drive to start over again. Your book has really made a big impact and made me realize that self-worth is not something that should be influenced by anyone else but your positive self.Lost of love.”

— Janey says: May 20, 2014 at 9:38 pm (UTC 2)“Val,The Upward Spiral has come to me at the perfect moment! I have just finished my second reading of it in 3 days since meeting you, synchronistically, and I am already feeling powerful shifts in my life. Thank you for this beautiful gift.Love,
A more peaceful me.”

— Fran says: June 3, 2014 at 9:05 am (UTC 2)“Received the book as a gift and loved it.Perfect timing – need and am open to the change and shift. Look forward to some individual coaching to get the most out of it. Love and thanks. Fran.”

— Debi says: September 10, 2014 at 1:05 pm (UTC 2)“Wow..wow..wow..I read the book in hrs but will continue to scan through it for the rest of my natural life!!..fabulous reminders of all that is wriitten on our hearts from the moment we are born!.!!.”

— Francesca Argeri says: January 14, 2015 at 3:57 pm (UTC 2)“I’ve just finished to read and it was so gripping that i want to restart again! Meeting you was the best thing happen to me last year. Well done Val!!!

— David Stein says: February 17, 2015 at 8:55 am (UTC 2)“Thank you for this wonderful book! It is so profound, yet easy to understand. I look forward to working on the upward spiraling as I seek to uncover my chip and write it. Many thanks!”

— Trace Marr says: April 29, 2015 at 11:06 am (UTC 2)“Stunning book i would live the work book”

— Christo says: May 6, 2015 at 9:19 am (UTC 2)“I have found the Upward Spiral tremendously helpful and inspiring. It has helped me recognise the destructive patterns in my life, and realise why I keep making negative choices. More that that, it has helped me answer the question “what now?”. It has given me a practical way of breaking free from the downward spiral, of allowing me to shine! Thank you for this great gift, Val.”

— Michelle Lewis says: July 30, 2015 at 1:39 pm (UTC 2)“So, a few days ago, I finally managed to drag my ego, kicking and screaming, to the end of your book. Not because the book was not good, but resistance was high.Val, thank you for your incredibly generous gift. The gift of the actual book and more than that, the gift of sharing your story, wisdom and guidance.For the past few months I have been considering going for Kiniseology(?) to try remove blocks that I know are holding me back from realizing my full potential. The only issue I have with your concept of the “chip” is that my formative years were so incredibly damaging that I have a whole plate full. However, I am not a victim, and am over playing, what you so rightly called “the healing game”.I have a lot to think about and once again, thank you for being there at the right time.”

— Joanne says: October 13, 2015 at 8:44 pm (UTC 2)“Val this way of thinking is the way the world needs to embrace in order to really advance. I’m looking forward to this growth journey with you!”

— Sue Wilson says: January 4, 2016 at 2:00 am (UTC 2)“Dear ValYour book is superb. I read it at a tough time in my life , but the time was just perfect for me . Your book has inspired me to continue on my journey to become more whole and healthy, to become more real and true and to believe I am enough.My chip is one of codependance. Your perseverance , generosity and openess with your tremendous knowledge is humbling and empowering.Thank you so much."

— Kim says: February 9, 2016 at 2:53 pm (UTC 2)“From the moment I opened this book I gulped down every word, almost unable to put it down until the last word, and then I was so disappointed it was finished. Already, since finishing it, I can feel my energy spiraling upwards and I can’t wait to start learning how to keep it there. I am excited for the journey that lies ahead.”

— Sian says: March 22, 2016 at 4:15 pm (UTC 2)“Dear Val,Your book has certainly inspired me. I am so delighted to have connected with you, and to have the opportunity to read the Upward spiral. I marvel at how we met at the perfect time….. And just how much I needed to read your words. Thank you from the bottom of my heart. I am excited for my journey moving forward. I can’t wait for the next step. Feeling excited and ignited. Much love Sian xxx”

— Carla Gruskin says: October 13, 2016 at 4:04 pm (UTC 2)“Beautifully inspirational and thought-provoking. Opened my eyes to why I’d continued on the same path and scared me into wanting desperately to change my patterns!”

— Nikki says: November 10, 2016 at 7:47 pm (UTC 2)“Cant wait to begin my soul alignment journey with Val… rearing to go!”

— Rose says: April 23, 2017 at 8:54 am (UTC 2)“A hidden talent!Val has recently revealed a new hidden talent, which may be her most powerful to date! Working in silence with the physical body, and following her intuition, she is really skilled and gifted at identifying and releasing tensions and areas of holding and ‘stuckness’. Val’s work has evolved and matured and we can only benefit from that. Always sincere, always honest and kind – you will be safe in her hands! Thanks Val!

— Katja says: May 29, 2017 at 9:13 pm (UTC 2)“This book is filled with so much emotion and beauty and it is utterly REAL. Which I so greatly appreciated. Beautifully written, easy to understand as well as very helpful and elaborate!”

— Marilyn May says: October 16, 2017 at 3:10 pm (UTC 2)“Dearest special Val. Thank you for gifting your book, “The Upward Spiral” to me.I started reading on Thursday pm after a long day looking after the infants in my care. I became so engrossed and finished by Sunday. The thing that stood out the most was your profound loss and ability to share it with the world. It is so enabling to the reader as one relates and begins to spiral upwards.Today I find myself in a beautiful space. Rejuvenated, motivated and above all shining. I recommend this easy read, it puts an ‘elastic band’ around our old conscious and free’s one up to a new state of being.Well done. May you always continue to shine. You are so deserving.”Love,

— Adiela says: June 1, 2018 at 1:42 pm (UTC 2)“Upward Spiral , “I AM ALL THAT I AM” …..Most inspiring book I have ever been gifted with Thank You Val”

— Rhoda says: October 7, 2019 at 12:06 pm (UTC 2)“Couldn’t put the book down, Loved it! I recommend it to all to read. Its an inspiring read and encourages us to find a starting point to transform our minds, hearts and soul. Highly advise the sequel book- The Upward Spiral in Action workbook as this is where the true transformation starts.

— Caryn Bean says: June 29, 2020 at 10:07 pm (UTC 2)“A beautiful book written by a beautiful soul.It presented itself at the right time in my life when I could actually sit still and discover someone else’s journey on a corrective path. I look forward to the sequel and affording ME the downtime to reevaluate my present vs.a plan for my own greater being that I can create.Thank you Val for sharing and the time you give of yourself to do just that…with your natural abundance of generous selflessness.Love from Caryn Bean”

— Gail Urdang says: December 9, 2011 at 9:55 am (UTC 2)“Val you never cease to amaze me! This book is truly inspiring, i enjoyed every moment of reading it, especially because it is presented in such a user friendly manner, making it that much easier to apply to my own life! The Upward Spiral has really shown me how to transform my life and opened up spaces within me that i could never have done without the guidance of your book! Thank you Val!”

— Susan says: December 19, 2011 at 1:45 pm (UTC 2)“Dearest Val, your book, “the Upward Spiral” is A wonderfully inspiring and insightful guide to recognise and deal with one’s self. Written from the heart. You will never cease to amaze me with your exceptional achievements. You are the most amazing and inspiring friend any woman (or man) could ever hope to have. Up, Up and away. There are no limits and no boundries to what one can accomplish in life, if they really want it enough, you have illustrated that.”

— Sigal Chiles says: December 19, 2011 at 2:03 pm (UTC 2)“I was really amazed by the concept of a “Chip” and the ability to reprogramme ourselves. once I became aware of certain pattern in my life, pattern that constantly repeated itself, it then became (I won’t say easy) more possible to try and change things. Thank you Val, your book is like finding another missing piece of the puzzle of my life.”

— Melissa Krige says:December 20, 2011 at 2:39 pm (UTC 2)“Dear Val, you are doing wonderful work: may the Upward Spiral grow from strength to strength – may it empower many to shine their true, beautiful light!”

— Katelyn Convery says: December 20, 2011 at 8:51 pm (UTC 2)“Thank you Val for your honesty and motivation. Your book reinforced so much that I’ve heard and sometimes struggled with applying. It is refreshing and motivating to know that you have dedicated yourself to the upward spiral and I feel lighter and more aware since reading it. Thank you! Very glad and blessed to be working with someone like you The universe works!!

— Romy says: December 27, 2011 at 11:11 am (UTC 2)“Thank you, Val, for your brilliant book filled with wisdom, insight and enlightenment, a book only you could have written in such a way which made it so easy to grasp and understand, as well as to apply to one’s own life. After I read your book, I just sat down for a moment, feeling like I had to sit still because suddenly the world felt different. With your insights and help, I began to look at the world in a different, and better, light. Your book has helped me and I always recommend it to friends I see in need of it.”

— Darice says: January 11, 2012 at 12:04 pm (UTC 2) “Thank you for the Upward Spiral and for allowing your beautiful inner self to be exposed to allow for other people to learn. May you go from strength to strength. Love and light D”

— Helen Preston says: January 14, 2012 at 4:20 pm (UTC 2) “My darling friend, you are one in a billion and I am the lucky fish to have you in my life playing an amazingly special role as a dear and precious friend and mentor. I have witnessed some of your profound struggles in life which left you wounded,damaged and desperate. Yet through sheer tenacity and desire for a fulfilled, happy life you overcame so many obstacles! This incredible search lead to the writing of your book where you exposed your soul to assist your readers to find and change their coding in order to bring about harmony and peace in their own lives.This book is a gem as it is Val’s story, honestly and genuinely related.Well done, what an inspiration you are to the human race!”

— Epson says: January 19, 2012 at 12:48 am (UTC 2)“I appreciate your work , thank you for all the informative articles .”

— Cat Kadish says: January 20, 2012 at 5:22 am (UTC 2)“Val, as I have come to know you over the last year, sharing bits of your life, your son and your beautiful home, your efforts to share the upward spiral of your personal story does justice to the radiant being that you are! The cover is so amazing, it completely captures the concept of self development, growth from a single point into the diverse paths of our development, sometimes spiraling up, sometimes down, but either way growing in complexity, expanding into the fullest version of SELF, like a beautiful tree of life.”

— Christine says:February 6, 2012 at 2:44 pm (UTC 2)“Oh Val, HAD SUCH A NICE CHAT WITH YOU TODAY WITH THE ADDED FABULOUS NEWS….!!!!!!!!!, SO HERE IS THE LAST COMMENT,: I sent you my comment a week after I read the book which was a week after the launch which was the week you went back to Cape Town, now weeks and weeks later you are weakly asking for comment on The Upward Spiral! Since I remember( did you send a book to Jen and Di ?)that I read your book the week after, weeks and weeks ago I remember thinking that you are: brave, openly bared your innermost thought and your process of healing, many people will follow your chip route, others will tweak it so they add their dip to your chip, I think you have opened a path, an exploration enabling many people to focus on healing themselves AND START ENJOYING THE CRUNCH OF LIFE !!!! LOTS OF LOVE,Christine”

— Patti Augoustides says:February 23, 2012 at 1:26 am (UTC 2)“This all encouraging, all inspiring book of yours Val is of great value to anyone wanting to take on the beautiful journey of self improvement and self discovery.The upward spiral gives one the strength and guidance one needs to take on your very personal journey.Thankyou Val for sharing your very own personal journey with all us readers. One of the chapters in this beautiful book is to stay Focussed” It takes enormous courage , endurance and a firm choice to keep spiralling upward., a job worth striving for!!day by day.I found reading this book a second time even more helpful. Thankyou so much Val.Lotsa love Patti”

— Toni says:June 26, 2012 at 3:05 pm (UTC 2)“Hi Val, Thanks again for sharing your experience with us. We are looking forward to receiving the next phase of your book with the different steps to raise our vibrations.Best wishes T+E”

— Nicole Okun says: June 27, 2012 at 1:29 pm (UTC 2) “This is the appropriate blog for anybody who desires to search out out about this topic. You notice a lot its nearly arduous to argue with you (not that I truly would need…HaHa). You definitely put a brand new spin on a subject thats been written about for years. Nice stuff, just nice!”

— Sharron says:February 19, 2013 at 10:58 am (UTC 2)“I read this book during the holidays. I had started reading it earlier , but had put it aside knowing that I would have to follow the reading with action.So much of your story was so similar to mine Val, even to the point of dating musicians. (I had to laugh when I read this.) Think I have dated 4 in my life. A definite way to make sure I couldn’t shine.I am experiencing a fair amount of loss at the moment which is a scary place to be, but need to start replacing it with positive reinforcements. Work, my recently ex relationship and rapidly approaching 40. No time to lose.Thank you for touching my life Val.”

— Jenny says: December 6, 2013 at 1:59 pm (UTC 2) “Dear Val! Your book is life changing! I cant wait to get going. Love Jen

— Gabrielle Lubowski says: February 24, 2014 at 10:27 am (UTC 2) “Dear Val -it was divine intervention that I met you and you told me about your book. When I purchased it on Saturday morning I started reading immediately and did not put it down again. I am in the business of transforming the ways children are raised and educated and creating a harmonious educational environment for the child. In my workshops parents and teachers always write down their story………and now I have the missing puzzle piece “the chip”. Because of the transformation work I have been doing I could immediately identify my “chip” and have already written down the opposite and voila, I am on my way “up the spiral. Thank you for writing this book! A big hug and love, Gabrielle”

— Nicolas and Jasmine Lovelstzy says: March 31, 2014 at 1:30 pm (UTC 2) “Finished the book cover to cover in 3 days. Easy to understand and lots of fun in each chapter. It really put things into perspective to understand why we think certain things and how our reactions are either for our benefit or not. Looking forward to reading the sequel.Thanks Val!-The Twins”

— Johan Peyper says: May 14, 2014 at 9:08 am (UTC 2) “Thank you Val for the amazing insight and sharing your life experience so that others can regain their drive to start over again. Your book has really made a big impact and made me realize that self-worth is not something that should be influenced by anyone else but your positive self. Lost of love.”

— Janey says: May 20, 2014 at 9:38 pm (UTC 2) “Val,The Upward Spiral has come to me at the perfect moment! I have just finished my second reading of it in 3 days since meeting you, synchronistically, and I am already feeling powerful shifts in my life. Thank you for this beautiful gift. Love, A more peaceful me.”

— Fran says: June 3, 2014 at 9:05 am (UTC 2) “Received the book as a gift and loved it. Perfect timing – need and am open to the change and shift. Look forward to some individual coaching to get the most out of it. Love and thanks. Fran.”

— Debi says: September 10, 2014 at 1:05 pm (UTC 2) “Wow..wow..wow..I read the book in hrs but will continue to scan through it for the rest of my natural life!!..fabulous reminders of all that is wriitten on our hearts from the moment we are born!.!!.”

— Francesca Argeri says: January 14, 2015 at 3:57 pm (UTC 2) “I’ve just finished to read and it was so gripping that i want to restart again! Meeting you was the best thing happen to me last year. Well done Val!!!

— David Stein says: February 17, 2015 at 8:55 am (UTC 2) “Thank you for this wonderful book! It is so profound, yet easy to understand. I look forward to working on the upward spiraling as I seek to uncover my chip and write it. Many thanks!”

— Trace Marr says: April 29, 2015 at 11:06 am (UTC 2) “Stunning book i would live the work book”

— Christo says: May 6, 2015 at 9:19 am (UTC 2) “I have found the Upward Spiral tremendously helpful and inspiring. It has helped me recognise the destructive patterns in my life, and realise why I keep making negative choices. More that that, it has helped me answer the question “what now?”. It has given me a practical way of breaking free from the downward spiral, of allowing me to shine! Thank you for this great gift, Val.”

— Michelle Lewis says: July 30, 2015 at 1:39 pm (UTC 2) “So, a few days ago, I finally managed to drag my ego, kicking and screaming, to the end of your book. Not because the book was not good, but resistance was high. Val, thank you for your incredibly generous gift. The gift of the actual book and more than that, the gift of sharing your story, wisdom and guidance. For the past few months I have been considering going for Kiniseology(?) to try remove blocks that I know are holding me back from realizing my full potential. The only issue I have with your concept of the “chip” is that my formative years were so incredibly damaging that I have a whole plate full. However, I am not a victim, and am over playing, what you so rightly called “the healing game”. I have a lot to think about and once again, thank you for being there at the right time.”

— Joanne says: October 13, 2015 at 8:44 pm (UTC 2) “Val this way of thinking is the way the world needs to embrace in order to really advance. I’m looking forward to this growth journey with you!”

— Sue Wilson says: January 4, 2016 at 2:00 am (UTC 2) “Dear Val Your book is superb. I read it at a tough time in my life , but the time was just perfect for me . Your book has inspired me to continue on my journey to become more whole and healthy, to become more real and true and to believe I am enough.My chip is one of codependance. Your perseverance , generosity and openess with your tremendous knowledge is humbling and empowering. Thank you so much."

— Kim says: February 9, 2016 at 2:53 pm (UTC 2)“From the moment I opened this book I gulped down every word, almost unable to put it down until the last word, and then I was so disappointed it was finished. Already, since finishing it, I can feel my energy spiraling upwards and I can’t wait to start learning how to keep it there. I am excited for the journey that lies ahead.”

— Sian says: March 22, 2016 at 4:15 pm (UTC 2) “Dear Val, Your book has certainly inspired me. I am so delighted to have connected with you, and to have the opportunity to read the Upward spiral. I marvel at how we met at the perfect time….. And just how much I needed to read your words. Thank you from the bottom of my heart. I am excited for my journey moving forward. I can’t wait for the next step. Feeling excited and ignited. Much love Sian xxx”

— Carla Gruskin says: October 13, 2016 at 4:04 pm (UTC 2) “Beautifully inspirational and thought-provoking. Opened my eyes to why I’d continued on the same path and scared me into wanting desperately to change my patterns!”

— Nikki says: November 10, 2016 at 7:47 pm (UTC 2) “Cant wait to begin my soul alignment journey with Val… rearing to go!”

— Rose says: April 23, 2017 at 8:54 am (UTC 2) “A hidden talent! Val has recently revealed a new hidden talent, which may be her most powerful to date! Working in silence with the physical body, and following her intuition, she is really skilled and gifted at identifying and releasing tensions and areas of holding and ‘stuckness’. Val’s work has evolved and matured and we can only benefit from that. Always sincere, always honest and kind – you will be safe in her hands! Thanks Val!

— Katja says: May 29, 2017 at 9:13 pm (UTC 2) “This book is filled with so much emotion and beauty and it is utterly REAL. Which I so greatly appreciated. Beautifully written, easy to understand as well as very helpful and elaborate!”

— Marilyn May says: October 16, 2017 at 3:10 pm (UTC 2) “Dearest special Val. Thank you for gifting your book, “The Upward Spiral” to me. I started reading on Thursday pm after a long day looking after the infants in my care. I became so engrossed and finished by Sunday. The thing that stood out the most was your profound loss and ability to share it with the world. It is so enabling to the reader as one relates and begins to spiral upwards. Today I find myself in a beautiful space. Rejuvenated, motivated and above all shining. I recommend this easy read, it puts an ‘elastic band’ around our old conscious and free’s one up to a new state of being. Well done. May you always continue to shine. You are so deserving.” Love, Marilyn

— Adiela says: June 1, 2018 at 1:42 pm (UTC 2) “Upward Spiral , “I AM ALL THAT I AM” …..Most inspiring book I have ever been gifted with Thank You Val”

— Rhoda says: October 7, 2019 at 12:06 pm (UTC 2)“Couldn’t put the book down, Loved it! I recommend it to all to read. Its an inspiring read and encourages us to find a starting point to transform our minds, hearts and soul. Highly advise the sequel book- The Upward Spiral in Action workbook as this is where the true transformation starts.

— Caryn Bean says: June 29, 2020 at 10:07 pm (UTC 2) “A beautiful book written by a beautiful soul.It presented itself at the right time in my life when I could actually sit still and discover someone else’s journey on a corrective path. I look forward to the sequel and affording ME the downtime to reevaluate my present vs.a plan for my own greater being that I can create. Thank you Val for sharing and the time you give of yourself to do just that…with your natural abundance of generous selflessness. Love from Caryn Bean”

The testimonials below preferred to stay anonymous:

“Hey Val. I was a mess. I was fixed. My life has changed so much. I'm healed.”

“ Hello love...i liked the fact that we need to find my chip...so we can pin point what make me to be stuck...when u find it u can make a change by being aware its exist. I liked the way you hold the space. The end I liked that I have something to work on but by knowing how to create and maintain the change I can make as I got tools now. For me the transformation is by knowing what hold me back...creating new one to change habits and working..by practicing and not only talking...u actually need to work and only then things can change and transform.”

“ I was going through a major shift at the time I saw Val. I knew I needed to move to a higher place but didn’t have the tools to do this. Every ounce of me was pulling me to another place but I was locked in not knowing how to shift. I was in a business with a very challenging and egocentric partner who didn’t bring out the best in me. I knew intrinsically I was may more capable than were I was currently at and deserved better quality and stronger people around me. I am now in a thriving business which I started and have attracted exceptionally talented people. Every week we seem to move higher and the momentum and enthusiasm is contagious. We are breaking barriers and doing transformational things both at a business and social level. Val showed me a clear path of concrete steps to reinforce that I deserved what I knew was in store and empowered me to be bold enough to take the tough steps needed to move into a new space in what was a daunting and challenging transition.

“I was feeling absolutely dreadful when I started coaching with Val I couldn’t walk properly She was seeing through my make my facade that I was dyeing inside and during I started to feel alive again and after one session I started to walk properly I felt contained truly cared for and looked after The main area of transformation is my nervous system was feeling calm again and that contributed to my general health. Thank you”

“When I first met Val I had just been exposed to the inside out world but not really understanding what it all meant. The words ‘change yourself change your world’ and ‘once your in the upward spiral there is no coming back’ we’re foreign concepts to me. I had no job, no real sense of purpose, I was pregnant with my 4th child in 6 years and my husband just lost his job. Val helped me to set myself free from feeling responsible for everyone else but myself. I found my souls purpose career, my abundance expanded miraculously, I bought and renovated my dream home and even my husband is entering his souls purpose career. All in all Val’s coaching programme is miraculous if you are willing to listen, face yourself and allow yourself to reach your full potential once your on the upward spiral there is no going back. It’s a transformational coaching programme.”

“Before the coaching with Val, I wasn’t able to remain centered and calm when difficult situations were arising. Today I watch the storms & remain strong. Val’s coaching showed me my light and taught me to remain connected to it regardless of life’s challenges. I’m so grateful to have met her. She has transformed my life in the best way.”

“What were you like when you started coaching? I felt like I was in a dark hole and had very little self-esteem. What were you like at the end of the coaching? I felt like I was not alone, everyone makes mistakes and has some insecurities. I had a new energy to be brave and put myself out there. How would you pinpoint the main area of transformation? My self-esteem and trust in myself has definitely improved hugely. I can accept who I am and no longer have the feeling that others are better than I am or are judging me, or if they do it doesn’t really bother me, because who are they to have an opinion about my life. Once you start living your life this way you soon see that most people have their own issues or insecurities. What can you do now that you couldn’t do before? I no longer define myself by the mistakes I have made in the past, but rather accept that everyone makes mistakes in their lives and as long as we try come out a better person the other side all will be alright.”

“Before attending Val I felt that I had lost my purpose in life other than being a mother. Afterwards my life started to fall into place and my purpose unfolded in front of my eyes. The main Area of transformation occurred after my cellular re-balancing when I felt a purpose start to evolve.

“When i met Val for a consultation or before i was in hindsight likely close to emotionally being completely broken Lost my physical energy and was quite depressed. Couldn’t really find direction and wanted to get back up so to speak... After Val ... Not too sure how many times I have been. I would gain an inner sight to how I ticked slowly unraveling what it is and was that created all the pain i was carrying and to learn that over time i can keep finding the strength and tools to keep myself on a higher vibration. Also, the insight to recover from my personal down days and to get back up on my feet. The initial impact was understanding that can change and have self belief. Also a personal mantra has a lot of power. Meditation really is a way of life. Also that aura healing spirit guides give me strength. I now use these tools regularly. I will also continue to see Val when for guidance ❤☀”

“When I started seeing you I was a complete, miserable mess. When I finished seeing you, I was definitely feeling stronger and like I could get through my crises (which I did but sadly still HATE my house with a passion). I can’t tell you what my main point of transformation was. I have to be honest, I am a very straight down the line person and I feel that meditation does not work for me and is not my thing. What I did find helped me was being able to come into your serene space once/twice a week, be welcomed by you and talk to you and listen to the stories you had to tell about yourself and other clients and how they made it out the other side of their dark times. I think I found that the most supportive. I have actually taken out your book, The Upward Spiral, to read again with my notes to see what I wrote now that I am feeling so much better. I hope this is helpful. Good luck with your new venture.”

“My experience with Val: Though I am someone who strives for continuous personal growth and has approached this through myriad different forms, working with Val was one of the most uplifting and valuable experiences of my life. She is one of the most compassionate and insightful people I have met and I will remain forever grateful for all she has taught me and helped manifest in my life. Pre-coaching: When I started coaching I was having a hard time being completely self expressed, even with myself. This often resulted in me feeling frustrated, blocked, indecisive and unable to unlock my true potential. I believe this even led to me having thyroid issues. Post-coaching: Val worked with me to open my heart and vibrate at a much higher level which has attracted such beautiful blessings and people into my life. (My thyroid issues also mysteriously resolved whilst working with Val). The most concrete example of this was uncovering my true desire to have another baby - something I had been on the fence about for 7 years! This was also no small feat as I was 41 at the time of seeing Val. But through my incredible work with her I was able to fall pregnant and give birth to one of the greatest blessings and miracles in my life. Val, I can never thank you enough!!! Main Point of Transformation: Finding my true, authentic voice.”