How do we know if we’re operating from a higher consciousness


The Journey to Higher Consciousness:


My greatest challenge in the field I have chosen to work in, as a soul alignment coach is in helping people reach a heightened level of consciousness where they are operating from complete awareness, truth and integrity to themselves as well as others.

I am constantly checking in with myself to see if I’m operating on this level of consciousness, it requires enormous discipline and self reflection as well as an almost super power ability to see the real facts clearly, have clarity of the situation and the ability to circumvent destructive actions, short circuit the situation to an outcome that is beneficial to all.

This sounds almost too good to be true and has a touch of magical fantasy sprinkled in and around the racing angry and reactive thoughts that are running normally through your mind. The good news is that is is completely possible when you train yourself to reach a level of higher consciousness, this is done by seeing your shadow, wounded ego, and rewiring your computer programme, with many daily rituals and spiritual practises that will re-wire your neural pathways to make this a complete habit and natural way of being.

Operating in higher consciousness when you get it right, is the greatest high you can experience, the only challenging aspect is you will begin to see how many people around you are completely unaware of themselves and their destructive patterns.

The following information I found by Adrienne Hanks helped explain the transformation from unconscious to conscious so clearly.

Adrianne Hanks, in his book, “Where am I right now?” Talks about the ‘6 steps of Conscious Development’ and I feel he explains it so well that I need my reader to see it in this format.

Step One: Unaware of being Unconscious

Coma-like existence, lots of fear and doubt, living in illusion, drug use to numb emotion, very low vibration, unable to bring about change, the ‘I’ is unable to shine.

Step 2: An awareness of being Unconscious

Here we have a spark of light being aware of the ‘potential self’ and trying to explore it.

Step 3: Awakening to becoming Conscious

In this stage, we are trying to live consciously, living life and attempting to make decisions to change it.

Step 4: Awareness of being Conscious

Here you realise and accept what you need to learn, where you need assistance and seeking a mentor to help you.

Step 5: Awakening to becoming Consciously Aware

You are aware of your journey and others around you, conscious of the constant need for alignment, and are motivated to practise to perfect.

Step 6: Being Consciously Aware

Alignment from a sense of ‘knowing’ and intuition rather than constantly practising. Being in the ‘I’ presence, high vibration, making choices outside of habit, knowing with clarity the right choices to make instantly.

Ability to master one’s own life, operating from intuition and higher self and one’s actions are motivated by the intention of the greatest good for all. The heart is open and not closed and you have the ability to manifest your own reality. Using your sixth sense of knowing rather than your five physical senses.