I’ve spent my whole life denying that evil existed and believed that intrinsically everyone was good and had a spark of divinity, which just needed to be nurtured and unleashed. My friends and I would have many discussions about this topic and they would challenge me by saying, “ what about rapists and murderers?” and I would agree that they had committed terrible crimes. However, they still had some good and could be saved.This confusion within my mind went on and on for most of my life, to such a point that I even got the nickname of having a blind spot, where I could never see faults or bad characteristics in people and often was taken advantage of and used for their own selfish benefits, and yet I only saw the good in them and their true potential.This served me well in my chosen field of intuitive coaching, as I was able to see through all the societal layers of lies and deception as well as the mistaken beliefs of my clients, and in a short time, they were able to see their true selves and essence of who they really are. This journey continued as I shifted many clients from a reactive mode of operating into a pro-active and responsive mode of operating, many were able to let go of their blocks, shadow, and wounded ego, which in the past had ruled all their actions.Watching world news and seeing the tragic events playing out in so many countries as well as the misguided and ‘evil’ leadership at the helm of these countries, I shed many tears at how many lives had been lost in fruitless wars that were completely unnecessary and another political agenda at play. I began to admit defeat, perhaps there is such a phenomenon as ‘evil’ and it exists in the world at a large scale and often within the top ranks of leadership and medical fraternities, who are the very people who are supposed to be looking after us. The virus pandemic got me watching and observing with a keen eye the agendas playing out in the world and more than ever it illustrated like a bad movie the personal greed and selfish strategies of many of those involved, there are too many examples to list in this article.Once again I went back to my drawing board and began to try to identify, what is evil and how do you know it’s there, what sign can give you a warning, particularly when it comes dressed up in charming and charismatic robes and often presents itself as altruistic and godly. I felt within this pandemic that many leaders had lied to us for many decades and did not have the people's needs and lives at heart, yet presented themselves as deeply committed to their people. The lies and deception knocked me off my feet and I realised that I needed some kind of a guidebook to hold onto so it could sift through the veils of corruption and see clarity and truth in its purest form.Arming myself with my guidebook, I began to observe all events past and present where I felt ‘evil’ was at play. The density and darkness I felt deeply within my body was not a lie and the fact that it was almost impossible to shift, allowed me to know that I was seeing clearly. Your body is your truth barometer, run a story through it, and you will feel it shift into action like a filter removing all the excess and leaving the remains of physicality easy to see.So what was the common denominator in every single case of deep injustice? I viewed this and observed it in complete neutrality and conviction. Each and every time, it was when an individuals’ personal free will was taken away in whatever form, abuse, physical harm, or manipulative power, when a person or group took control of peoples lives and herded them into camps of submissive brainwashing and changed them into zombies, leaving no sense of who they are, cutting off their dignity and essence, the spark and beauty of who they really are. When they lose all sense of order and understanding and chaos runs supreme and they feel lost without any direction. This is the way ‘evil’ survives and it feeds off chaos, stripping you of any individual value or personal thought, it will keep you undermined, powerless, and in chaos, because that’s how it wins.My guidance was clear when you feel someone, a group or an institution taking control over you and telling you that they are the power and without them, you have no power and your individuality of choice and free will is crushed, they have dominance and control over you, that is when your alarm bells must go on, you need to hear the warning, open your eyes, move out of chaos and control and find your own will, exert your power because deep inside your barometer you know what is right and who you truly are.