How can you Spiral Up?


Reset Old Destructive And Reactive Patterns 

To New Constructive And Proactive Patterns

This book is about my personal journey of transformation and empowerment, how I achieved this, and most importantly, how I maintain it long term. In telling my own life story, I take the reader on a journey of how to implement ten practical steps which can be practised in each second of each minute of each day to achieve their own transformation and empowerment.

The unique concept covered in this book, is the chip that dictates our emotional coding or ‘personality prism’ or ‘prison’ which totally runs our lives and makes all the choices for us, and so manifests our present and future reality.

Practice the Ten Steps of The Upward Spiral and you will find that miracles happen in your life!

The book illustrates how you can uncover your chip and rewire it so you can choose your own destiny and manifest your own reality. It is inspiring and leaves you with great insight, and a sense of personal power to achieving transformation in your own life.

There is in all of us a program, which I call our chip. This chip rules our lives and make us choose certain directions and people in our lives. This happens totally subconsciously without any of us really knowing that this is happening. Often we find ourselves in the same situations as years before and shake our heads wondering how it happened. We truly have no idea how we got to be in the same cycle yet again!

This chip is the computer program that runs our lives and gives us the output, which is our current reality. In the diagram you can see that our feelings, emotions, thoughts and belief systems come from our chip, and in turn, they create our reality and determine our behaviour and choices.

The Upward Spiral tells a story of how you can find out what your main modus operandi is, and in a practical and accessible way it shows you how to rewire it, to help you achieve your fullest potential.

The Upward Spiral Journey into Action, my second book or sequel shows you how to implement the ten steps described in the book. It has creative and practical exercises, guidance and inspiration for each of the ten steps illustrated in The Upward Spiral, It guides you through the book in the most nurturing way, to practise spiritual rituals and daily observations so that you keep aligning to the greatest version of yourself.


Unleash Your Potential with the 10 Steps Method

I developed this simple ten step process to reset old destructive and reactive patterns to new constructive and proactive patterns.
The Upward Spiral is a simple ten-step process I developed that you can follow to fine-tune your energy, unfold your brilliance and reach your greatest potential.

I hope that my story inspires you as well as the philosophy and transformation process of The Upward Spiral, and it resonates with you and changes your life. 

Choosing to dance up the spiral will not only transform you, but also those around you, and the whole world. 

I am so inspired by this process, and this is why I so passionately believe in The Upward Spiral!









My experience with Val: Though I am someone who strives for continuous personal growth and has approached this through myriad different forms, working with Val was one of the most uplifting and valuable experiences of my life. She is one of the most compassionate and insightful people I have met and I will remain forever grateful for all she has taught me and helped manifest in my life. Pre-coaching: When I started coaching I was having a hard time being completely self expressed, even with myself. This often resulted in me feeling frustrated, blocked, indecisive and unable to unlock my true potential. I believe this even led to me having thyroid issues. Post-coaching: Val worked with me to open my heart and vibrate at a much higher level which has attracted such beautiful blessings and people into my life. (My thyroid issues also mysteriously resolved whilst working with Val). The most concrete example of this was uncovering my true desire to have another baby - something I had been on the fence about for 7 years! This was also no small feat as I was 41 at the time of seeing Val. But through my incredible work with her I was able to fall pregnant and give birth to one of the greatest blessings and miracles in my life. Val, I can never thank you enough!!! Main Point of Transformation: Finding my true, authentic voice.”

~ anonymous