Intuitive 1:1

Spiritual Mentoring for anyone who is stuck

Your personalised Journey with Val 

For anyone who is stuck

Have you ever sat and wondered why your life seems to be the same movie playing repeatedly the same scenes?

Have you got the strength to change your life or do you just dream about doing something about it?

I know how important it is for you to change your life, to get out of the same patterns, that are making you unhappy and destructive.

Yet, as much as you want to change - your energy levels and motivation don’t allow you to go there, and you cannot see the Light or the Way Out.

Taking the First Step, and making the CHOICE to step onto The Upward Spiral process will guide you in the most nurturing and loving way to access that Spark that once was.

Choosing to dance up the spiral will not only transform you, but also those around you, and the whole world. You will learn how to balance and align your Life to create sustained change.

Book an appointment at val@toledo.co.za


The meeting of Val was by no coincidence in the timing and journey of my life road map. I was processing life as a teacher, single mother and greeting each day on a survival level. I thought I was happy and alright, more or less, with the sort of stuff that people manage. Kids, job, life. I also knew some of my patterns in relationships and I knew parts of myself that were sad and hidden. So, having read a few books and being of some sort of relative intelligence, I thought had a good life with some TOUGH parts. I prayed, danced randomly, believed, rose and fell (and fell often), questioned things, but always seemed to land somehow. Val enlightened me in a short space of time. Empowered me to see my self-worth and what my life could be like if I was committed to a) make changes and b) fine tune, what I was doing with my life, and indirectly, my daughters’ life. It was an awakening of the mind, senses and soul to read Val’s words, to listen to her and draw from her sense of connectedness with my higher-self. Val taught me to see a sign, believe in miracles, to let go of what was lived, to find my peace and also, how to navigate my souls’ purpose with the tools her book provided. I am now living and breathing every word of Val’s in my day to day life. I am no longer surviving but beginning to burn brightly. Life is changing from tough into beauty, some parts instantly after transformation, others more gradual as an investment. I make better choices and trust myself with an open heart to possibilities that life may bring me as I function on a higher level. I am acutely conscious and set boundaries, navigate situations by responding and not reacting. My path is completely different. I now have tools to use my senses and the environment wisely. These are not idle doting words on my part. Val’s words carry power, not just healing and direction but a kind of rooted medicine that every adult needs regardless of who you are or what level you are at. Val is a gift. Do take the time to honour her work and in so doing so, you honour your own life. You too can rise! ”

- Samantha B 03 June 2019 at 13:20:58 (SAST)

It's natural to yearn for change, to break free from patterns that leave you feeling unfulfilled and drained. The challenge lies in finding the energy and motivation to take that first step toward transformation. With The Upward Spiral process, you're not alone. It's a nurturing, loving guide that helps you rediscover that inner Spark.

Embracing this journey won't just change you; it'll radiate out, touching those around you and, in turn, the world. Learn how to bring balance and alignment into your life for sustained, positive change. Take the first step towards your new beginning.Embracing this journey won't just change you; it'll radiate out, touching those around you and, in turn, the world.

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‘My 15 hours Personalised Journey with Val’
One Time Payment of $1300 (SAVE $200.00)

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‘My 15 hours Personalised Journey with Val’
3 Monthly Payments of $500