Through The Upward Spiral Workshops

Discovering Your Authentic Higher Self 

for Lasting Transformation, together.

Unlocking Your Potential: A Journey through 'The Upward Spiral' Workshops

These are also designed depending on the group and can run from ten hours to 20 hours. These are based on my books, The Upward Spiral and The Upward Spiral In Action which need to be delivered before the workshops.

These workshops will be structured around the two Upward Spiral books and will work through the ten steps required to face the negative ego, see the shadow of ones self, recognise the pattern or program that’s been running your life sub-consciously and teaches you how to slowly become the observer of your life. Once this is achieved the workshops will assist you in re-wiring your program so that you can live your life in authentic higher self, see more clearly, be able to short circuit most of life challenges and operate from a responsive rather then a reactive consciousness. The ability to balance higher and lower self in the heart space of kindness and compassion will be the vibration reached which is neutrality. With this knowledge, once one takes responsibility for their own transformation and growth all will flow more easily from here onwards.

Charge per participant, from, $350 for the ten hours and $700 for the twenty hours including both books, they are free on signing up for the course. A minimum of five candidates required.

Book an appointment at val@toledo.co.za



Embark on a Transformative Journey with Group Healing Workshops Tailored to Each Group, These Intensive Journeys Span from 10 to 20 HoursStructured around 'The Upward Spiral' Books, Dive Deep into the Ten Steps of Personal GrowthUnearth and Transcend Subconscious Patterns for Lasting Change and Empowerment, Attain Neutrality, Balancing Higher and Lower Selves with Kindness and Compassion Investment: 

$350 for 10 Hours

$700 for 20 Hours (Includes Both Books)

Book Your Spot: val@toledo.co.za Minimum of Five Participants Required


$350 for 10 Hours $700 for 20 Hours 

(Includes Both Books)