Getting In Touch With Your Vibrational Frequency.

There are various diagrammatic depictions of levels of consciousness, which are vibrational states of being, from the complex and all-encompassing Integral Map devised by Ken Wilber to the simplicity of the scales of various emotional states given by Peggy McColl in her book Your Destiny Switch.

However, I find the Map of Consciousness devised by Dr. David R. Hawkins easy to use to measure vibrational frequency, andI speak about the theory and its implications for the individual and the world in my book The Upward Spiral.

In my coaching, I use Dr Hawkins levels of consciousness, logarithmic scale of frequency and dominant emotion for each level. Many of my clients will begin their journey at level 20 which is in “victim consciousness” this is where one feels hopeless, out of control and seems unable to manifest their lives, mostly blaming others for their circumstances, and never really accepting responsibility for their own lives. It is often played out by destructive behaviour and self sabotage which then gets represented by the martyr archetype, where the person keeps feeling that the world is against them. One can argue the theory of bad luck and there can be an element of this, however the level of vibration you are living in will attract these negative circumstances to you.

Empowerment, higher awareness and life-supporting states of being start at the level of courage. In my practice I work with levels of consciousness, my aim is to get a client to level 250, this is where they are able to navigate their lives in heightened awareness.

Once you have been able to reach the level of ‘Courage—200’ in order to move up the spiral, one needs to go into a frequency of ‘Surrender’, and ‘trust’, which when you have the ‘Courage’ you’re able to trust the flow and ‘Surrender’ to your higher self .

This will take you into ‘Neutrality—250’. When one is able to practice neutrality as a state of being-ness, complete clarity and the ability to respond rather then react will be automatic and the calling to go into ‘Service’ of others, improving other peoples lives and helping the world shift to higher frequencies, will become your natural state of being. It will give you the key to open yourself into receiving the message from higher self as to what your divine purpose is in the world, and what your natural talents are, which we all have each and every one of us.

My favourite saying to my clients, is; be in the state of ‘beingness’ in all the ‘doingness’ times of your life.


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