
Welcome to this ‘Map of Soul Alignment’ it is my pleasure to be your guide to find your way back to your True Self

Start Your Journey of Energy Healing and Spiritual Awakening

Decide to Live Life in a space of Courage

• Reconnect with your Divinity and Soul

• Get the Tools to Support Yourself

Subscribe & get the Free Map of Transformation and learn how to heal yourself.




“When I first met Val I had just been exposed to the inside out world but not really understanding what it all meant. The words ‘change yourself, change your world’ and ‘once you’re in the upward spiral there is no coming back’ were foreign concepts to me. I had no job, no real sense of purpose, I was pregnant with my 4th child in 6 years and my husband had just lost his job. Val helped me to set myself free from feeling responsible for everyone else but myself. I found my souls purpose career, my abundance expanded miraculously, I bought and renovated my dream home and even my husband is entering his souls purpose career. All in all Val’s coaching program is miraculous if you are willing to listen, face yourself and allow yourself to reach your full potential, once your’e on the upward spiral there is no going back. It’s a transformation coaching program.”


Choose to embrace life with courage and step into a journey of soul alignment. This powerful healing process invites you to reconnect with your inner divinity and soul essence, offering a profound sense of purpose and clarity. Receive the invaluable tools and guidance needed to support yourself on this transformative path. Subscribe now and unlock the Free Map of Transformation, a resource designed to empower you in healing and becoming the best version of yourself. Embrace this opportunity to embark on a journey of self-discovery and healing. Subscribe today and take the first step towards a more aligned and empowered life.

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